Feng Shui service in USA, Feng Shui expart in USA
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The term Feng Shui means ‘wind’ and ‘water’. Feng Shui is considered as an art as well as a science which when utilized, helps in achieving a harmony between man and his surrounding environment. ’Kanyu’ is another name of Feng Shui. Feng Shui states that societal and ethnic issues are influenced by various factors such as spiritual, aesthetical and natural factors. This art cum science is used for construction as well as for placement purposes, to ensure the free flow of energy which would bring about peace and prosperity in an individual’s life. It has gained so much global popularity since its origin that one can easily take the help of a Feng Shui expert in USA, France, Italy,etc. The availability of Feng Shui service in USA, India, France, Italy etc shows its success rate and popularity in every corner of the world.

The origin of Feng Shui can be traced back in the ninth century B.C. in China. It was first practiced during the rule of Zhou dynasty in China in 770-475 B.C. Later on it was used by the Han dynasty to build the Chinese empire. Even The Great Wall of China is built on the principles of Feng Shui. The main aim of Feng Shui is to ensure the smooth flow of energy or Chi. It is linked to various beliefs such as Vaastu Shastra, Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto and Buddhism. It was first used by the Chinese for the placement of graves.

It is based on the principles of Yin and Yang. Yin is regarded as the negative, feminine, dark and receptive principle, whereas Yan is regarded as the positive, masculine, light and active principle. Its application within the interior spaces can be done when they are in a balanced state. Another principle of Feng Shui assimilates the Chinese compass. The red phoenix which represents goodness and beauty is the symbolic animal of south, whereas the dragon which represents grandeur and dignity is the symbolic animal of east. The black tortoise which represents long life and forbearance is the symbolic animal of north whereas white tiger which represents courage and strength is the symbolic animal of west. These are used for the right placement of furniture. The Five element theory is based on the principle of Yin and Yang and according to this theory the five elements-metal, earth, fire, wood and water assimilates everything that has been created.

Feng Shui is included among the 8 rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has evolved a lot since the past 1000 years and as such the elements of time have also been assimilated in it. It can be used for personal purposes too, for example in making horoscopes. Since its versatility and accuracy is immense its utility has increased a lot around the world. A Feng Shui expert in USA or in China should have knowledge of Compass and Form schools for fruitful results. The presence of Feng Shui service in USA, india, Japan,etc is a proof of its widespread growth.

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